Eleven Months Later

Today I want to write. I have a desire to share the insights and integration I’ve experienced over the past eleven months. I am literally a different person today than I was yesterday and the day before and the day before that. It’s been eleven months since my last post and a few things have changed. Mostly, I am more in my life than ever before.

There used to be a persistent desire to move on to something else or a postponement of living my life until a certain goal was achieved or a certain social change took place. That persistent desire to escape has transformed into an urgency to live this life fully and wholesomely.

I am returning to simple joys.

  • Learning about the practice of wabi-sabi. wabi-sabi is the Japanese art of finding beauty in imperfection and profundity in nature, of accepting the natural cycle of growth, decay and death

  • Becoming a fiber artist.

  • Playing catch with the love of my life.

  • Reading cuddled up with Wally & Atticus.

My insights include move slowly, in your own time when you can and move quickly when life demands it. Cultivate time to experience joy, because there will naturally be times of sadness and grief. Embrace your life as a series of cycles and phases, because you are nature and are subject to seasons, too.

Jennifer Samore